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Hot Chocolate Bar Inspiration

Maegan Slaten Biehn

Brrrr! After a mild streak here in Alabama (nothing says you live in the South like a 70 degree Christmas - oof!), it has turned drastically cold and it has me thinking about all the winter things including my favorite part of winter - hot chocolate!

*cue the "Hot Chocolate" song from Polar Express ;)*

Anyway, I talked about interactive food bars earlier this week, and one of my favorites is a hot chocolate bar! Any winter party we host (including some late fall tailgates), we set up a hot chocolate bar for our guests and it is always a hit! Here are some of my favorite ingredients/supplies and I even threw in some tips and tricks for setting up a successful hot chocolate bar (just click on the purple circles to access the info :))

It is always so much fun to set up and I love that it is completely customizable to your theme and guests. I will say, however, my least favorite part of setting up a hot chocolate bar is actually dealing with the hot chocolate. We've done it a variety of ways: tea kettle on an electric eye; Keurig; Insulated pitcher/dispenser; packets of hot chocolate for guests to mix in; bowls of hot chocolate powder and measuring spoons; etc and regardless, it is hard to make it look cute, functional, safe AND keep the hot chocolate warm for guests.

That's where my Feature Friday vendor comes in - if you are local to Tuscaloosa, and you are wanting a fun way to serve non-alcoholic drinks (including, but not limited to, hot chocolate!), you should book my friend and colleague, Marc with Garden Bar T-town! Recently, we attended a Santa event where they were serving hot chocolate out of one of his bars and I loved it! Not only was it yummy, but it was so fun to use!

Marc with his rustic Garden Bar at The Nook Santa event (From @gardenbar_ttown on Instagram)

His awesome bars are available for rent starting this month, so be sure to check him out on Instagram and book him! You won't be disappointed!

Have you ever had a hot chocolate bar or do you have a favorite hot chocolate? Let me know below!

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